Child Care and Kindergarten
in Canton, Michigan, for
children ages 2½ through 6
Nursery School
& Kindergarten
Real Life
CONTACT US: 1-734-495-0833
Mission & Philosophy
The mission of Real Life Nursery School and Kindergarten is to value and support children, their families, and our staff and to develop a program that helps build strong, moral character and positive self-esteem while providing for the individual development differences of all children...
...in a caring and Christian atmosphere where we create a safe and secure place for children to learn and grow.
...where children are valued for their individual abilities, curiosities, and abilities to play.
...where families are valued for their traditions, their commitment to work, their home, their community, and their dreams for their children.
...where staff are valued for their vision, their love for children, their skills and knowledge, and their commitment to families.
To provide our community with high-quality and culturally-sensitive child care services, and to ensure the individual needs of the children in our care are met through developmentally appropriate practices by our caring and nurturing staff.
We believe in providing the kind of environment and influences that encourage all children to become creative, independent, responsible, self-directed adults who can make decisions for themselves.
We Believe:
The home is the most important factor in a child’s development. We will always strive to support the family in order to promote the healthy development of children and parents.
Each child has dignity and worth, and the family unit is important.
Loving, trusting, and respecting each child makes that child capable of loving, trusting, and respecting others.
Each child should be guided toward developing a positive self-image.
It is important to meet each child’s needs for physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Children deserve a nurturing, safe, and happy environment that promotes their natural curiosity and desire to learn.
Children deserve to have teachers who are capable and caring and whose values enable them to be excellent role models.
Recognizing that children grow in predictable stages, we treat each child as an individual, working from the level each child has attained and moving forward a step at a time. We model a “love of learning,” by allowing children to experience their own stage of development and by helping them to feel success without pressure.